150 MPa
Compressive Strenght
25 MPa
Flexural Strenght
Class Fire Resistance
ISO 14001
Sustainable Production
Pushing boundaries is its nature
Remaining on the edge of concrete technology, Pola is the most powerful concrete you'll ever see.
Form Freedom
Pola, which can be produced in virtually any form, texture and color can also provide flexibility for architectural details with minimal deviation from the design.
Ultra High Performance
Our custom and enhanced mix designs, provide greater physical properties than regular UHPC's.
Fire Resistance
With its DIN 4102, A1 Class fire resistance properties and low thermal conductivity properties, Pola provides absolute safety.
Hybrid Fibers
While producing Pola, we use a vast number of resources. One of these resources which dramatically change Pola's behavior is the fibers. We use a different fiber to correspond to different types of loads and effects from its environment.
We provide fast and precise installation by selecting the optimal detail from tens of details all perfected by Desos' technical team.
Design Freedom
Pola elements, which are custom-designed for you and your project allows a continuous flow on your façade.

Material Performance
You can see the physical properties of Pola below, see if it fulfills your needs and if not select a different Desos product which will.
Compressive Strenght:
fc: 150 N /mm2
Flexural Strenght:
25 N /mm2
Tensile Strenght:
fc: 40-65 N /mm2
Limit of Proportionality (LOP):
fc: 40-65 N /mm2
Modulus of Elasticity:
fc: 40-65 N /mm2
Thermal Expansion:
fc: 40-65 N /mm2
Water Absorption:
fc: 40-65 N /mm2
fc: 40-65 N /mm2
Water Vapor Diffusion:
fc: 40-65 N /mm2